For your business

No matter what type of food business you own, Anytime Link is designed for you. It’s affordable, easy to use, and made to spice up your sales. Whether you own restaurants, hotels, or food trucks, you can reap the rewards of offering your dining app, and we’ve got helpful advice to show you how.

Make Anytime Link work for you

Modernizing, Staying relevant. Adding convenience. Your app helps with all these things and shows customers that you value their time. But how can you make sure you’re getting the most out of Anytime Link?

Here are some tips and insights to help you capitalize on your app.

Get the word out

Customers need to know about your app, so get word out any way you can. Create a buzz with in-store posters and demos that showcase your app. Promote it online with your website and social media pages. Bring attention to your app and get ready to bring in more business.

Find out how food courts, airport diners, and street food businesses get more exposure with Anytime Link.

Get current customers interested

Gain interest in your app when you engage your existing audience. Grab their attention with live demonstrations, app-exclusive promotions, and helpful hints on how to get the most out of your app. Show the value your app brings to the table and they’ll reach for it every time.

See how hotels and campus cafes engage customers thanks to Anytime Link.

Collect on convenience

Put everything in your app so customers can access you with the touch of a button. Helpful features add convenience to every part of their dining experience. There are no more obstacles — you fit perfectly into their busy lifestyle and they find it easy to give you their business.

Discover how restaurants and venues capitalize on the convenience of Anytime Link.

Anytime Link works for your food business. In a few easy steps you can get the most out of your app, bring convenience to customers, and make more sales.


Add a whole new degree of service to your business. Anytime Link breaks down barriers, improves efficiency, and brings more smiling faces to you. Whether you offer dine-in, pickup, or delivery options, helpful features address common issues for you and your customers.

Take care of business

It’s rush hour. Orders are piling up, questions keep coming in, and you can barely keep up. You’re losing customers because the lines are growing and so are the wait times. Inside and out, business is becoming a hassle.

If any part of this struggle is real for you, Anytime Link can help. It’s got everything you need to address things like:


Do customers have to physically come to you just to see your menus? What happens when a customer doesn’t speak your language (literally)? Obstacles are bad for business, so get rid of them with your app.

With Digital Menus and location & language features , nothing stands between you and your customers. Show your menus, post updates about how busy you are, and share your service offerings, all in any language. Suddenly, dining with you is accessible and convenient.


It’s tough keeping track of orders, handling customer interactions, and giving your staff the right tasks. At the end of the day, you feel like a lot of your time and effort go down the drain with the dirty dish water.

Thanks to In-App Ordering and Order Tracking , you can work with more efficiency. Orders come straight to you and in complete detail. You can prepare orders with accuracy, coordinate your staff, and keep customers updated with what’s going on behind the scenes.

Table turn

The dining experience is like a delicate dance. You communicate with customers to anticipate each other’s moves. Make it easy and it’s a smooth ballet. Otherwise, it’s a slow, uncoordinated hobble that costs you business.

Anytime Link helps you turn tables. Your menus? They’re in your app so customers come prepared. Order anxiety setting in? Nope, your Notifications keep customers in the loop. Waiting for the bill? With In-App Purchasing, it’s already paid and you’re serving new customers.

That was easy.

Anytime Link brings that touch of modern convenience customers expect. With more streamlined service, you can welcome more, better business to your restaurant.

Food courts

From business plazas to shopping malls, Anytime Link helps you get more out of your food court. Gain exposure, add more dining convenience, and boost your bottom line. With all of its useful features, you can be on your way to maximizing your revenue per square foot.

Take care of business

Your food court has plenty to offer, but something’s missing. Traditional advertising doesn’t seem to be as effective as you hoped, and customers just aren’t as interested. Whatever it is it’s costing you, and the restaurants come and go at a rate that’s higher than ever.

If you need to split from stagnant sales and spice up your earnings, Anytime Link has you covered. It helps with:


Ads need an audience. If you rely too much on physical advertising, you’re missing out on a lot of eyeballs seeing your ads. You need to go digital and put yourself right in front of customers.

With Anytime Link, your material goes into your app. Promotions, Events, Menus – all of it is available at the touch of a button whether customers are nearby or at the beach. Send Notifications straight to their devices and get the exposure you need to stay relevant.


It’s convenient for restaurants to share space with places where people spend their time. But it’s just not enough anymore. Smartphones and apps deliver handiness modern customers expect, especially when it comes to dining.

Give it to them with Anytime Link. Post location info so they can find all your restaurants with ease. With Digital Menus they can see what you serve, order, and pay using your app. Now, customers want to dine with you because it’s convenient from start to finish.

Business turnover

A declining bottom line? Is it only a matter of time before another restaurant throws in the towel? If you can chalk it up to things like slow service and decreased interest, consider offering a modern touch so your restaurants don’t go belly up.

Get more attention with features that let you advertise directly to customers. Fulfill orders with accuracy and efficiency thanks to In-App Ordering and Order Tracking. Your app shows customers that you value their time. They’ll give you more business so your businesses can thrive.

Anytime Link breathes new life into your food court business. Helpful features for you and your customers keep your restaurants relevant, convenient, and profitable.


You work hard to give guests everything they need. With Anytime Link, you’ve got even more ways to accommodate. Engage your guests from anywhere, put dining options at their fingertips, and book more smiles. Your app makes it easy to get the most out of their stay.

Take care of business

A lot of your business depends on dining. But you’ve seen too many vacations and business trips come to a halt as guests stress to find food. You do so much to accommodate, but mealtime still feels like a chore and you get dinged with bad reviews.

You need to boost guest satisfaction with Anytime Link. Its features help you with things like:


Still using only fliers, posters, and physical materials to engage guests? You’re limiting your reach and your return on that investment. Guests are busy, and it’s hard for you to fit into their busy lifestyle using non-digital methods.

Put it all in your app thanks to Anytime Link. Your guests get restaurant locations, daily specials, discounts & coupons, and more all on their devices. And with Notifications, it’s easy to keep them in the loop. Your app brings everything to them for a better experience.


Mealtime can tie up you and your guests. You answer questions about menu items, spend time on the phone giving order updates, and figure out how to break language barriers dealing with international customers. Frustrations build with every inconvenience.

Anytime Link streamlines dining. Digital Menus and In-App Ordering let guests choose exactly what they want and order using your app. You can also post your content in many languages. Your app brings less stress and more freedom to mealtime.

Guest satisfaction

Is a poor dining experience costing you? Do your guests jump through a lot of hoops just to find food? Of all your accommodations, is this the one that leads to the highest number of negative reviews and complaints?

Stay modern and fit into guests’ busy lives. Features like In-App Purchasing and Order Tracking give guests all the convenience and updates they need. With helpful information handy, your guests find it a breeze to dine with you and leave positive feedback.

Anytime Link helps you optimize the way guests experience dining with you. So many convenient features let you interact with and accommodate guests like never before.


Anytime Link helps you offer convenient dining options at your stadium, theater, or other venue. Your app means mealtime doesn’t have to compete with the main event. It’s easy to engage customers, immerse them in the action, and improve efficiency to get more business.

Take care of business

Plenty of your revenue comes from food sales. But face it – there can be a lot standing in the way of customers and their savory treats. Every decision they have to make pulls them away from the main event, and you can miss out on food sales and suffer negative reviews.

If your food experience is chaotic, disruptive, or takes too much effort, you need Anytime Link. It helps you with:


Picture this: your customers are looking for their seats. They grab food from a few vendors, settle in, and watch the players take the field. Then, the party in front calls over the food tray, buys snacks for six people, and blocks the view of the opening pitch.

Whether you run a sports stadium or movie theater, Anytime Link does away with the disruptions. Put your vendors and food options in your app, and customers can do business without bothering others. Less commotion means everyone can focus on the main event.


Stomachs are growling. Your customers need food. But how long could that take? Where do they go to see a menu? What if they leave their seats and miss the most intense part of the game?

Advertise your app as a one-stop shop for all their food needs. Features like Digital Menus and In-App Ordering take the stress out of eating. Customers can browse your menus, configure what they want, and order using your app. They get their food without missing the game-winning play.


The seventh-inning stretch is winding down, but the lines aren’t. Vendors scramble to fulfill orders. Everyone’s anxious to get back to their seats, but chaotic crowds mean missing out on the action. You miss out on a lot of sales because customers would rather avoid the hassle.

Use Anytime Link to offer efficient service. Order Tracking lets vendors track orders and coordinate better. With Notifications, they can send order updates straight to customers. Now, long lines and anxious crowds are a thing of the past, and your sales grow thanks to streamlined food service.

Anytime Link gives your customers a better food experience. Your app streamlines your problem areas so you can offer more convenience and bring in more sales.

Campus Cafes

Time is crucial to your customers. Anytime Link helps them get the most out of their time dining with you. Your app brings helpful metrics that let you prepare for rush hour. Plus, it’s the perfect platform for you to connect with customers, offer convenience, and increase sales.

Take care of business

How much food should you make for lunch? Can you effectively update customers about a last-minute menu change? Is your onsite presence the only convenience you have to offer?

With Anytime Link, you can answer all of these questions with confidence. It helps you with:


It’s close to lunchtime. You need to cook enough to meet demands, but you worry about making too much. Do you look to the parking lot or hallways for clues? Can you make an informed guess based on physical traffic?

Gauge demand with accuracy thanks to In-App Ordering and Orders. Customers can use your app to configure what they want, and their orders come to you for review. You can see just how much business is coming in so you can use your resources most efficiently.


You’ve got a last-minute change to your menu. Or you want to bring attention to popular specials you know customers love. If you’re still counting on emails and newsletters to get the word out, you’re not reaching them as effectively as you could be.

Anytime Link connects you right to your customers. When you post new content it’s immediately visible to anyone using your app. Use Notifications to alert customers to everything you’ve got going on. It’s easy to keep them in the loop with the latest updates and news.


You’ve got a campus café for the convenience factor. But when customers have to come to you to see a menu or ask questions, the experience isn’t so convenient. They crave information that they can access from anywhere, or you’ll lose their business.

Give them all the information they need with your app. Digital Menus lets them browse and configure what you serve. Include details for every item so your app answers questions for you. With a fully streamlined experience, customers won’t think twice about dining with you.

There’s so much Anytime Link can do for your campus café. With all these features and more, you can work better, interact with ease, and add convenience to boost business.


Whether your restaurant is open to all travelers or members only, Anytime Link helps you take the stress out of airport dining. Use your app to smooth out the bumps in your operations, attract the business you deserve, and sell more food. Dining with you is a breeze.

Take care of business

Do you wonder if you’re missing out on sales? Maybe you’re struggling to adjust to the airport’s sporadic traffic. It could be that you’re too far off the beaten path, or that you’re not convenient enough for scores of travelers.

If you want your food business to take off, Anytime Link is the boost you need. Its features help with:


Business comes and goes like mad. Sometimes you can’t keep up, and other times you’re tossing extra food in the trash. What if you knew how much traffic to expect, which dishes to prepare, and which tasks need attention?

Anytime Link gives you insights so you can work like a well-trained flight crew. Customers use In-App Ordering to place detailed orders that come right to you. You see just what to prepare, and Order Tracking helps staff focus on the right tasks. Your work becomes more coordinated and efficient.


Are you located in a less-trafficked wing of the airport? Is part of your routine to watch competitors buzz with business because they’re so close to the action? You know you’re missing out. You don’t have to accept it any longer.

Instead of moving your restaurant, advertise your app to the crowds. Your brand suddenly becomes a beacon of modern business and it’s easy to get their attention. When they see features like Location Info, Promotions, and Menus, they can’t help but land at your counter.


You can have great food, smooth service, and plenty of exposure, and still be plagued with poor sales. For busy travelers, it’s the convenience that matters. Nothing could be more convenient than an app that lets them get just what they want, when they want it.

With Anytime Link, you can offer that app. Customers can use Digital Menus to see what you’re cooking and choose items they love. In-App Purchasing lets them pay with the touch of a button. They steer clear of turbulence, and your streamlined service helps you satisfy more customers.

Anytime Link lets you offer modern dining amenities that benefit you and your customers. It’s the easy way to improve your business, get more customers, and make more sales.

Street Food

Drive sales with Anytime Link behind the wheel of your street food business. It’s the perfect complement to your advertising efforts and lets you offer convenient service. Your app brings effortless dining to your experience and helps you serve more customers.

Take care of business

You want to shift your business into overdrive, but some areas need a tune up. Your signage and social media advertising aren’t bringing in enough traffic. Your customer experience also needs work – it’s a little slow, unorganized, or inefficient. Bottom line: things could be better.

If this is you, you’re ready for Anytime Link. It helps your business with things like:


You spend a lot of time getting word out about your location, your menus, your specials, etc. You work hard on physical advertising, and you’re always posting updates on social media platforms. But for customers, all this can be a lot to follow.

Anytime Link breaks down the barriers between you and your customers. Simply advertise your app to show you’ve got a handy platform for all their dining needs. They can keep up with you wherever you go, and they’ve got access to you at the touch of a button.


Do customers have to stand in line, ask questions about your menu, and wonder which payment methods you accept? What about for you – does it get hard to track orders and keep up with it all? If so, your service lane has obstacles that slow down business.

Anytime Link patches up those problem areas. Use your app to show customers how busy you are and post answers to common questions. Order Tracking lets you track every order so you can work better. Now you and your customers are set up for service on cruise control.


Every inconvenience is a chance to lose business. In your line of work, this stops sales in their tracks. When dining with you is like a bumpy ride, word of mouth can spread fast and the negative reviews even faster.

With your app, you can streamline every part of your sales funnel. Digital Menus puts your offerings in your app, and In-App Ordering lets customers order right from their device. When they get the information and control they crave, it’s easy to give you their business.

Anytime Link hits the gas pedal for your business. So many helpful features mean you get the traffic you deserve, offer more convenient service, and boost your sales.